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Department at a Glance

                   The Electricity Department is operating & maintaining power generation, transmission & distribution system and networks in these islands for providing electric power supply to general public and also implements various schemes under Plan and  Non-Plan  Programmes  for augmentation of the diesel generating capacity and establishment of new Power Houses and T&D systems.  This department also functions as a Nodal Agency for implementing Renewable Energy Programme of the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Sources.  The Electricity Department is headed by a Superintending Engineer and assisted by 7 Executive Engineers and 38 Assistant Engineers.  The present total installed capacity is around 68.50 MW with a  peak demand of 37 MW.  The installed capacity of the Power Houses ranges between 6 KW to 12500 KW. One Hydro Electric Power Station having a capacity of 5.25 MW is functioning at  Kalpong River, North Andaman.  A 20 MW Diesel Power Station at Bambooflat, South Andaman is being operated by M/s SPCL on PPA basis.  South, Middle & North Andaman are well connected by VHF communication for better monitoring & fault rectification for improved services to the consumers.

Installed capacity68.46 MW( 63.21 MW diesel + 5.25 MW hydro)
Power Houses42 nos.
High Tension lines972 KMS
Low Tension lines2727 KMS
Distribution Transformers553
Peak Demand37 MW
Energy Production Annually 201 MU
Diesel Consumption Annually 48,000 KL
Revenue Generation Rs 50.00 cores

Power Scenario in A & N Islands

                          The salient features about development of electric power supply in these islands during last 57 years is tabulated below :-

YearPower Houses (Nos.)Total Capacity (MW)Generation (MU)Per Capita Consumption (Kwh)

                       Power Generation in A & N Islands is largely through Diesel fuel, which accounts for 95% out of total generation, rest 5% being Hydel generation. In a diesel generation scenario the major cost of power generation is the fuel cost which works out to around 80% of the total cost. The illustrations given below give a detailing of the cost of HSD at various Islands and the specific fuel consumption of the various powers plants of a particular year. There are 41 Diesel Power Houses at different locations in these islands having DG capacity ranging from 6 KW to 5000 KW (including 20 MW IPP) and one Hydro Power Station having 5.25 MW capacity at Kalpong.  The aggregate installed capacity is 68.50 MW (2007-08).  The details of power scenario in major islands are tabulated below: 

   Last Updated on 10/10/2023  Designed & Developed by : SOVTECH